maandag 9 april 2012

Angie 2

(In english, for once.)

Angie looked at me with her big, dark eyes.
"Give me your number, just in case we lose eachother."
I searched for a pen, but couldn't find one.
- "I don't have a pen." I said. "But we won't lose eachother."
She smiled. "Okay."
I took her in my arms and kissed her.
- "It's only for one hour. I'll meet you at the station."

She thought for a second.
"Yes, you're right."
She paused.
"But let's say goodbye, just to be safe."
- "No worries, I'll be there."
"But, just to be sure..."
I smiled. I softly stroke her hair.

- "Okay" I said. I squashed her body in my arms.
- "I had a wonderful time, Angie."
"I had too."
- "And it makes me a bit sad to see you go."
"I don't want to go."
- "I know."

"I really like you."
- "I really like you too."
"Let's meet up later."

She took her bag.

"So, I'll see you in an hour?"
- "Yeah, I'll be there."

She hugged and kissed me again.
Then she opened the door, gave me one last kiss and walked down the stairs.

When she left I realised I didn't know which station I was supposed to meet her. But maybe it was supposed to be like that.

Het vervolg

Ze zaten naar het scherm te staren. Hij zag dat ze ontroerd was door wat ze las. Onverzadigbaar bleef ze naar beneden scrollen, op zoek naar het vervolg. Maar ze kon het niet vinden, hij wist dat ze het niet zou vinden, simpelweg omdat het nog niet bestond.

Vond je 't mooi? Klik op "Vind ik leuk" en ik vertel je binnenkort een nieuw verhaal.

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