donderdag 25 juli 2013


I am very fed up with this self pitty. I'm doing fine. I can do fine. I will do find later. Right now, I'm a mess. But that will change. Soon. In a few months. Four months, if I can believe the statistics. In four months I'll have forgotten about you. Well, not forgotten about you, but I won't feel bad anymore. It doesn't matter. You've stopped feeling bad two months ago.

If only there were words that could change your mind. If there were words that I could tell you that would love me again.

Begging is not the answer. I've read that. I've read that there are no words anymore to change your mind. I cannot say any words anymore that can make you think differently of me. I cannot convince you anymore that I can do better, that I can do the same things this guy is doing to you. I can take you for dinner. I can take you to places where you want to go. I can have walks with you. I can do that, for real. But I'll never be able to convince you.

I don't want anybody else.
I don't ever want anybody else.
Self pitty. Self pitty. All this bloody self pitty.

Change my mind, universe.
Change her mind, universe.

Do something.

Het vervolg

Ze zaten naar het scherm te staren. Hij zag dat ze ontroerd was door wat ze las. Onverzadigbaar bleef ze naar beneden scrollen, op zoek naar het vervolg. Maar ze kon het niet vinden, hij wist dat ze het niet zou vinden, simpelweg omdat het nog niet bestond.

Vond je 't mooi? Klik op "Vind ik leuk" en ik vertel je binnenkort een nieuw verhaal.

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